The Power of Data in Operations Management

Data is a powerful tool for organizations to identify and solve problems. It allows them to visualize the connections between different locations, departments, and systems. Data operations are the means of maximizing the business value of data and its infrastructur

The Power of Data in Operations Management

Data is a powerful tool for organizations to identify and solve problems. It allows them to visualize the connections between different locations, departments, and systems. Data operations are the means of maximizing the business value of data and its infrastructure. It is the key to digital transformation initiatives such as cloud migration, DevOps, open source databases, and data governance.

Operational data is essential because it provides insight into a company's internal functions and processes. Train your team on how to handle data correctly and ensure that your processes meet compliance requirements. In a local environment, databases are monitored and optimized for performance; in the cloud, they are monitored and optimized to control costs. Examples of activities that generate transactional data include purchasing products from suppliers, selling products, sales location, delivering items to customers, hiring employees, etc.

Data operations in this step provide valuable information to management and the CIO to adjust the current cloud migration strategy. This way, business users don't have to wait for data analysts to provide datasets and reports, and the path to obtaining information about the data can be shortened. To get the most out of operational data, it is essential to ensure that the data is reliable and of high quality. If converting the data requires too much time or effort, the analysis will not be performed and the potential value of that data will decrease or be lost.

DataOps is an automated process similar to DevOps that helps democratize data. Examples of important operational data that companies should consider include visibility into an organization's data assets, making it easier for people to quickly find the right data for analysis. Data management can also increase productivity and efficiency of business operations by linking data with technology and digital services. A data governance framework is a standardized metamodel of information that must be available for any element or source of data.

Nowadays, no professional team would be complete without a team of data collectors and analysts to help support and improve their performance.

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