Understanding the Different Types of Operational Control

Operational Control is an important process for ensuring tasks are performed effectively and efficiently. Learn more about different types of operational controls such as inflow flow division filter system, constant level control, decreasing velocity filtration.

Understanding the Different Types of Operational Control

Operational control is the process of ensuring that tasks are performed effectively and efficiently. It requires post-action evaluation and control, for a short period of time, including the evaluation of performance in relation to the objectives set by the company. Operational control systems are designed to ensure that day-to-day actions are consistent with established plans and objectives. It focuses on the events of a recent period. Organizations use a combination of three types of control: inflow flow division filter system, constant level control, and decreasing velocity filtration.

An inflow flow division filter system has an adjustable landfill placed at the inlet of each filter cell. The affluent landfill is the main component of the system, and a supply pipe or channel common to all the filter cells carries water to the individual landfills. The inlet dumps are adjustable, so that each one can be placed at the same height to obtain an even division of the flow. Auxiliary equipment often includes an affluent control valve and a hydraulic effluent control point to maintain a minimum water level in a filter cell. Constant level control is similar to controlling the flow rate of effluent, since the detection system compares current conditions with the desired set points and works together with the control valve to align the two conditions.

In a constant level control system, the level sensing device determines the actual water level and compares it with the set point. The comparison method depends on the sensing device, the control valve actuator and the communication controller. Decreasing velocity filtration is one of the oldest and simplest methods of filter control. Used with multiple filter cells, it is important to consider how a filter's operational control system affects or is affected by control processes throughout the plant. The measured velocity is directed to the speed controller, which compares the measured flow velocity with an adjustable setpoint by the operator. Operational control systems are derived from the requirements of the management control system.

Corrective action is taken when performance does not meet standards. This action may involve training, motivation, leadership, discipline, or dismissal. Other approaches related to operational control include quality control, risk management, and performance management. On the other hand, operational control is a subset of management control whose objective is to regularly monitor and verify routine business operations to confirm the consistency and quality of business activities. Strategic control is a type of organizational control that ensures that the organization is working in the right direction. When operating a filtration system, it is important to consider how a filter's operational control system affects or is affected by control processes throughout the plant.

Since all cells have the same water level, it is important to select a valve size that does not dramatically change flow through it when its position changes. Selecting the best filter operating control system option involves understanding which one works best in unison with the overall design of the plant. The process of ensuring that tasks are performed effectively and efficiently is called operational control. It requires post-action evaluation and control for a short period of time, including evaluating performance in relation to objectives set by companies. Operational control systems are designed to ensure that day-to-day actions are consistent with established plans and objectives.

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