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What according to you is operations management and how is it linked to other functional areas in an organization?

Operations management is how business leaders take raw materials and turn them into saleable goods. This is true when...

Why is data important in operations?

Enables better decision-making Companies can have more confidence in the decisions they make if they have accurate and...

Understanding the Different Types of Operational Processes

Operational processes are the activities that are necessary to create and deliver a product or service. Examples of these ...

Understanding the Five Types of Manufacturing Processes

Manufacturing processes are essential for producing goods and services. Depending on the type of item being produced,...

Optimizing Business Operations: A Definitive Guide to Process Optimization

Optimizing operations is the process of ensuring that your operations are running as efficiently and effectively as...

What does sustainability in operations mean?

Business sustainability refers to a company's strategy to reduce the negative environmental impact resulting from its...

Maximizing Customer Satisfaction Through Optimized Operations

In the pursuit of acquiring new customers, it is essential to not forget to retain current customers. According to a...

What is Military Operational Analysis?

Military operational analysis is a broad field that encompasses a range of activities, from analyzing the potential...